Thursday 19 January 2012

Don't Forget the Ladies!

As a retirement specialist, I work with financial advisors to bring a value added to their clients.  I facilitate retirement planning workshops and offer one-on-one coaching for those who require additional guidance in building their retirement vision and plan.  I concentrate on the non-financial issues of retirement including (a) how to build a leisure, health and wellbeing strategy, (b) the importance of a positive attitude when transitioning from work to life after work, (c) how to enhance relationships with spouse or partner, family and friends, (d) finding and using a retirement mentor or coach, and (e) living retirement to its fullest!

My workshops are well attended and act as a stimulus for people between the ages of 45 to 65 who want a happy and productive retirement and those already retired looking to add a little sizzle to their 'golden years'.

As the author of the best-selling book, Don't Just Retire - Live It, Love It!, I've not only researched how to retire right, I've assisted thousands better prepare for retirement, the second longest time period of our life.

Two months ago, I was asked if I offer 'women's only' workshops.  The question resonated with me as there is a reluctance by women to address certain issues such as financial literacy, putting self-first, eldercare, finding new friends, loss of a spouse or partner, living alone and living on a reduced income, to name a few, when  men are present.

During an eight week period, I collaborated with a group of 12 women in designing a 'women's only' workshop.  As a result, we created a one-half day event which includes group exercises, case study and group discussions and lecturettes, all to assist women build a personal retirement plan to enhance life after work.

The 'women's only' workshop was announced by word-of-mouth and within less than 10 days there were 28 registrants - the maximum number planned - and we have a waiting list for subsequent workshops.  The workshop was held in mid-January.  Here are comments received from participants:

"The workshop made me realize the importance of a well-structured retirement plan"
"I loved the positivity and energy of the attendees.  It was a fun event!"
"Got me thinking about things I had never considered."
"I'm realizing that retirement is much more than the money"
"A great workshop with a facilitator who made it both interesting and fun.  Being single, it was great that it was for women only."
"Wonderful information and fantastic discussions on issues of concern I have as a woman."

The overall rating for the workshop was 4.8 out of a possible 5.0

The 'women's only' workshop was sponsored by the Ajax-Pickering CARP Chapter and a Nesbitt Burns financial advisor.  Not only did the advisor receive kudos for his sponsorship, the participants provided him with referral names of friends and family members as well as several participants made appointments to review their financial portfolios - a great win/win.

You too may wish to sponsor a 'women's only' as an additional service for female clients and their friends and acquaintances.  This added value can be monumental and it doesn't cost a ton of money.  Happy clients are likely to spread the word of your thoughtfulness and caring.  Word of mouth is a powerful thing.  For details, contact Rick Atkinson, RA Retirement Advisors - or 416-282-7320.

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